A good start for the trip was that all flights were on time – and we could meet up at the Dallas airport as planned. Car rental, quick stop to Wal-Mart – and to the hotel, plan worked like a clockwork. The In-and-Out burger provided excellent calories load for the night. Fries & burger were both excellent. Minor hick-up for the start of the trip was the tire pressure alarm on National’s Nissan Altima just after leaving the airport. Luckily, next morning we could take a detour back to the airport car rental – and could get the car replaced. The staff at National was really friendly.
After getting the necessities – rashguards, duffel bags and such at REI Dallas – and getting a feel of real Texas spirit at Irving Gun exhibition – it was time to set out towards Fredericksburg in Texas Hill Country through Austin. Real Texan country side.
Dinner in Fredricksburg consisted a Sirloin steak with salad buffet at K-Bob’s – recommended.

Steak at K-Bob’s

K-Bob’s steakhouse
This is how horses are transported in Texas – huge air conditioned trailers.

Huge, air conditioned horse transport – Texas style
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