Apart from one working oil pump on someone’s back yard – and the number of huge oil refineries – driving from Corpus Christi to Houston looked mostly like this:

South Texas
In Houston we headed to NASA. The Space Center was definitely an interesting place to visit! It is just amazing, how they have been able to put a man on the moon with the technology they had at hand back then! And the space capsules – astronaut job is not for claustrophobic. The sheer size of Apollo rocket with it’s 3 phases was crazy! The thing burns more fuel in 25 seconds than there is water in an average size pool. It was quite amazing to visit the actual control center where they controlled the moon programs and many other space programs! And touch a stone from the moon!

NASA Control Center
Generally the exhibition felt to be mostly about the early space missions and shuttle program. The latest developments with Mars program and related felt a bit ‘lame’ (or then we missed those). But – certainly – the Angry Birds are invading the space – also through NASA. We didn’t try out the kids Angry Bird quarters – but they seemed to be a lot of fun in a form of ‘small size hoplop’.

Angry Birds at NASA
Hamburger count for the day 0. Fish for lunch at some nice seafood joint along the road. The ‘dirty rice’ with the food was excellent (although the waitress explained it is produced by putting the rice on the ground and stomping on it… Great humor on that place). Chinese takeaway for the night, listening fading thunder over Houston.